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Hello, my favorite patrons!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Thank you very much to everyone for your valuable feedback regarding the tier structure here on Patreon. Since the reception was extremely positive, I believe I have come to a determination on how to proceed.

To recap my last post for anyone who missed it: Right now the Human and Furry tiers are divided as such in USD:

Furry Tasting Tier $5

Human Tasting Tier $8

Furry Swallowed Tier $10

Human Swallowed Tier $15

As it stands now, there are enough members of the Patreon subscribed to the Human tier that with some of the new plans I have coming in the near future I would like to simplify the pricing structure and combine the Edition sub-tiers and doing so would still be reasonable to account for the additional work that goes into supporting and producing both versions. This would mean that EVERYONE would have access to both the Human and Furry versions. That would mean no more Human Edition passwords! The game going forward would simply ask you which version you'd like, and there would be a setting for it in the Phone to change back and forth at will.

This would also eliminate a lot of confusion for new members. I cannot tell you how often I get emails of " [New Member] has joined at the Tasting Tier!" and then five minutes later "[New Member] has upgraded to the Human Tasting Tier!" I would love to make things more convenient and accessible for everyone.

The new pricing which (barring the unforseen) will go into effect on June 1st is:

(Combined) Tasting Tier $7

(Combined) Swallowed Tier $13

(The higher tiers will be unaffected by this change as they already incorporate both the Human and Furry Editions)

I am aware the difference does feel like a bit more to the Swallowed Tier supporters since the average was a bit higher but in exchange I do really want to put adding value to the tier high on my list of priorities. Besides the increasing number of Cheat Codes I particularly plan on getting back into doing more polls for the Swallowed Tier subscribers and I apologize I haven't had much of an opportunity to do those lately.

I hope everyone will be willing to accept this small change. For the Furry Edition supporters please consider this as not only a chance to help your fellow patrons by allowing their costs to come slightly down and continue to support me, but also an opportunity to explore some fun new content in the Human Edition! For some of the characters I REALLY like their versions in the Human Edition. Though it's not drastically different some just have a different vibe that's really enjoyable. For example, Winter's Synth Felkin character in the hidden endings, Unit-1. I got to design his humanoid (android) form myself and I really like how it came out! Some, like Ajax feel pretty much identical but many scenes you can really feel the difference.

I hope I can continue to count on your support and you'll stick with me! I'm still working on some exciting stuff I've been hinting at and I hope I'll have some things to show you guys here soon! As always the next regular update will be coming at the beginning of next week!

Thank you to everyone so much for your encouragement and for all of your love and support. I truly couldn't do this without you!



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