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I've got a plan. The Q&A is released rarely because of how few questions I get, but that makes the Q&A reward kinda worthless right? I came up with a new idea. A Patreon AskFM. I'll answer one set of questions from any individual monthly. If all goes well, I'll read them out and upload them to YouTube as well. The second part of my plan is to make the 10$ tier less rubbish, so I'm going to start a new reward. Exclusive scripts. Scripts for videos that will likely never be made into videos. I don't exactly have an inexhaustible supply of those, but I've still got a huge amount. I'd just clean them up, and make them available. Thanks for your continued support. 



You could always use those scripts for podcasts or something less fancy on a second channel.


I could see that working for certain projects. They'd still take a long time to make, and that would take away from mainline videos. I'll consider it.