Shiba and Akita visions still stand (Patreon)
Wed, 5.12.2021
Reasons for Shiba and Akita’s prices dumped today:
Vitalik sold some of Shiba and Akita’s coins that the developers of these projects sent to him when they launched the projects.
He donated 50 trillions Ethereum to India’s covid relief fund. Both coins will rise again and will be around for a few years. This won’t be the end of them. My guides’ visions below still stand for both. Prices for both coins will be volatile.
According to Astrologer Maya’s tweets, both coins will see an unpswing in their prices until June 1st.
When prices rebound, if you want to take 10%-20% profit is fine. Keep a stash for long term hold. I don’t plan to sell these coins until they reach my guides higher visions such as closer to 0.01.
And if I don’t need money from Akita, I’ll sell some at 0.15 (my guides’ visions).