FAQ - you feel you were guided to my info/group (Patreon)
Fri, 2.5.2021
A handful of my members told me they were led or guided to my info or my group. Instead of me PM my answer to each individual member, I’m posting my response here to streamline my communication. 🤣🙏🏽
My social media platform: The info is meant for anyone who is guided to it.
If you were guided to my info/group: Your guides (angels/God whomever you want to believe in) guided you to my info. There’re millions of people in crypto. But the people who are supposed to find my info and benefits from it, their guides and my guides collaborate and bring my info to you. That’s the reason my group has good vibe. People are happy, helpful to each other, and resourceful.
The same thing applies to my YT twitter and telegram - only a small fraction of the community will be guided by their guides to my info. Spiritually speaking, my followers are “my soul group.”
Anyone who follows me for a very short-term, they aren’t part of my soul group. They aren’t supposed to receive help from me. They will get the help from other people. When the journey is coming to an end, we’ll part way. My job is done with helping you. 😘😉
Each spiritual leader has his or her own soul group (their followers) that they are meant to help or “teach them some lessons about investment or spirituality.” A member can belong to multiple soul groups or following multiple psychics/astrologers. Your family and friends are your soul group- a closer knitted type of relationship.
Before people sub or follow my telegram or twitter, I know how many people will arrive in that month. My guides provide me “vision for my social media platform just like the way they provide me info for the crypto market.”