Why do I keep getting my intel in my dreams frequently this year? (Patreon)
Friday, 12.4.2020
Why do I keep getting my intel in my dreams frequently this year?
When our guides have an intel that they need to send to us, but during the day when people's minds are busy with their work and life, then we have "sort of an unread email in our inbox waiting for us to read." Our guides deliver those messages to us in our dreams. When we lay down to sleep that's when our mind is most relaxed. Intel from guides is very subtle energy. If our mind is bombarding with deadlines, stress, and work, we can miss their messages during the day.
Since I have two jobs this year, my guides cannot catch me during the day sometimes because I'm busy with work. When I cannot see their messages with my Third Eye (spiritual eye), then "they come" into my dream to give me those messages. Their info comes through quickly and in a form of a flash. People with gifts who have "an open channel" with their spirit guides, these gifted ones are able to receive messages from their guides at anytime, anywhere - this means during our sleep too. The guides can interrupt our dreams to give us messages as well. I keep implying that I get my intel in my dream as this is the EASIEST method for the community to understand that I get it during my sleep.
When there's an important vision that my guides need to give it to me during the day, they'll find a way to get it to me.
What's the difference between getting intel in your dream vs a download/vision during your sleep?
A dream is where you are either part of "a movie or you are an observer of a movie." There's a story/message that a dream is trying to convey to you. Deciphering a message from a dream oftentimes isn't easy because some dreams don't have a straightforward message.
Getting a download/vision during your sleep is where your guides come into your sleep - give you the intel in a form of audible or visual image "a flash" and then they disappear. I get most of my intel via clairvoyance. Hence, I've been saying "my guides flash me a vision."
Do I pick and choose which intel I want to get each night?
When I lay down to sleep, I tell them what crypto info I need visions from them. Sometimes they flash me the vision instantly otherwise they wait until the early morning then they give me a handful of "flash aka download" in a span of an hour or so. Whatever intel they have at that moment, they provide it to me otherwise they will share it with me in future dates. Our guides can read our thoughts and know what we are thinking.
Dreams are HARDER to remember all of the details for me and many people. Visions are easier for me to remember when the vision comes through crystal clear.