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Been at the hospital all kinds of crazy hours with Brian. 




Hope everything is ok!

Jerry Fraley

Hope he’s ok, and they were able to find him some relief. Now I feel bad picking on him in stream. I guess the ice cream didn’t work.


Take all the time u need rather have u be safe more than anything

Alex Rogers

hahah ice cream def didnt work. They might have to remove some of his intestines. hes so scared and they wont let me in there for long only allowd till 8pm


I hope everything is alright! Sending my best wishes!

Jerry Fraley

Dude, I’m so sorry, I’ll be keep you both in my prayers, take care of yourself and him as they’ll let you. If you need anything, you know all you have to do is ask. Sending you both all the love and good vibes I have.


You take the time you need if it's that serious be there we will be here when you get back and hopefully with Brian with you. I'll keep him in my prayers. You do what you got to do.


Take of you your man, praying for easy, speedy recovery 💙💙

Nicky Bobby

I’m sorry to hear this Alex, I hope all will be well soon. Take all the time you need


Take all the time you need sending my best wishes from the UK❤️

Steven M Waldo

Our thoughts and prayers are with you both. Please keep us informed (we really do care) and fingers crossed for successful surgery, if needed. Take all the time you need to make sure Brian is well again. You are his strength and his rock.