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Sorry for not posting last night. My external harddrive took a fat shit and corrupted all my patreon files. Very upset about this, BUT I at least had this photo I could post for today. I'm so sorry! I will try to get the rest of my files of LADY D and get a new harddrive. I lost so much content. KInda bummed. Thank you for your patience and support. Love you all!




Hope you can save what u have. When you ever need help, maybe i can help you. I am an expert in PCs and Hard Drive Restoration.


Sorry to hear that Alex. Don’t worry your content is always worth the wait!


You should shoot your old hard drive in a video lol


Hope everything works, been there, it sucks


Take it to a recovery specialist you might be able to salvage some of it

Erik G

No worries, I can relate, I've had a few take a dump on me as well. I do wish you take it out and shoot it, lol