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During the wetsuit shoot, I did not have a cellphone due to it falling out of my pocket on a rollercoaster. So any BTS from that shoot will be very slim sadly :(

but I do have plenty from the other cyberpunk theme. Im sorry!!! :((  I was quite miserable during that entire week without a cellphone. Thank you for understanding and I'll make it up to you guys somehow!!



You’re beautiful and owe us nothing! Hope you got a new phone and had a great birthday week!

Josh Radermacher

You have nothing to make up for Alex. Shit happens and it is what it is. You just keep making great content.

Jerry Fraley

It’s all cool. Don’t feel like you have to make up anything.


Don't worry Alex, all is well, you post great content, and we love you for it, you are simply the best.


Stay strong! Punch back! Life is great!



