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By law they are now required to add sales tax to the tiers! like wtf...
So that was super lame to hear. Kinda bummed.
but I wanted y'all to hear it from me first :(



Damn gubmint gubminting taking all our money.

Daniel Belgum

That sucks but wont matter still gonna be #LegendTier. Sure have to add taxes and extra for everything now adays


no worry always present to support you :)

Brett Thompson

Still worth supporting you though!


Nothing more certain than death and taxes 😅

Kyle Reed

This is better than 99% of the stuff I already pay sales tax on.


Thanks for the heads up. But I'm not going anywhere. You are awesome


That extra dolla fitty might break the bank. Supporting you no matter what Alex!



Jezalina Catelli

Taxes wont stop me from dropping 100 every month besides its totally worth it

Ryan Foley

Just got the email confirmation thanks for the heads up.