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My collarbone was from a dirt bike accident, had 2 surgeries and 2 plates and 9 screws. Fun shit. What scars do you guys have!?




I have one Scare on my back from miss footing on a rock climb and another scare on my arm from shrap which I got in the Corps plus some broken bones and other shit to go on top of that....


I used to ride dirt bikes all the time in N.C. that was the culprit for 6 scars on my right knee from 2 surgeries. I have a scar in the back of my head from riding with no helmet once. Also a gnarly scar on my stomach from surgery in high school.


I have a scar on my head from someone smashing it to the wall I think.


Surgery on the back of my right leg to remove a tumor, right index knuckle from an angle grinder (down to the bone), left eyebrow from a baseball, and left thumb from a jet engine.

Colten Vanosdale

Bullet entrance and exit wound in my right calf, and a cool zipper looking scar on the front of my ankle from corrective surgery 🤘🏽


I once knifed my own knee. I was 13

Mitch Lutterman

30+ broken bones, multiple knee surgeries, and over 100 stitches. Oh and I cut my big toe off when I was 4 with a shovel lol don’t worry they put it back

David Jones

Scar on front shin compound tib fib plate and 16 pins took two surgeries. Plus palm of left hand from stab with broken beer bottle horseplay with friend.


I have a scar on my arm from a chainsaw. I was trying to hold a tree from falling the wrong way and the saw kicked back

Jordan Thompson

Not very bad ones but my two middle fingers on my right hand don’t touch after second knuckle from dislocating one and breaking the other at the same time. Always looks like I’m throwing up the we come in peace sign.😂😂