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I know this isn't usually what my posts are made up out of, but i wanted to share a little bit.

This last month of June was extremely exhausting and busy for me, I started a parttime job, and flew over to america for HeroesCon on the 12th, and there was just so much to do, either I was working on art for patreon, or i was working my parttime job remotely, and preparing for cons, and other things.

I was staying with darling Cardinal for this whole time, they came with me to HeroesCon, and to Anime Expo, to help at the table, they've been amazing, and I love them dearly! It was so much fun selling the first few copies of On Thy Knees together. :'))

After all that though, there were so many highs and lows throughout this time, I'm just super happy to have been here, but also incredibly exhausted. I know that even though I posted a lot of art, I still feel like I wasn't able to give y'all as much as I always would like to be able to. 

I'm definitely unsure about this parttime job, and I might have to see whether I can make it work without it again, because it's breaking my spirit a lil bit :')) and i think that will translate to my work and that would suck. <3 

Either way, thank you to everyone who i got to see at AX, it was so lovely, and thank you sO MUCH FOR THE MACAROONS neato!!! <3 you're too sweet and it meant the world to us! Thank you! <3333

I'll be flying home tomorrow (thursday) and arriving in switzerland on friday, and then I have to work my two days for the parttime job, so if there's no fanart again right away, please forgive me! i'll be back in swing next week, hopefully. <3

thank you so all so much, i hope this wasn't too much to dump! :3 but ye. just a lil update. <3 ILY ALL THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BEING HERE!!




I was curious about how the cons went for you, so I'm happy to read and get a glimpse at it all with the pictures. :3 I'm sorry for the low points, but I'm glad that you had good experiences, too! Wishing you safe travels and some good rest 💜

Peter Shaw

the person messing with artists food sounds worrisome! 😬 hope that that didn't be too much of a downer on the whole con experience!