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this one is for the lovely @thenorthfour!! thank you so much for your support!!! <3

also a lil bonus geralt who's hearing jaskier singing about his butt:



Peter Shaw

it's easiest to write and sing songs about the things you know!


Oh gosh, the lil gremlin Geralt made my day 😂 So glad I was able to watch you stream this one, you’re so hecken talented and skilled and all the words I cannot find to describe how much I adore your art 🥰🥰


honestly that's how i feel with drawing XD drawing what i'm comfortable with and know well is always the easiest hehe


ahsjkdgh I ALWAYS FEEL LIKE I SHOULD DRAW MORE MEME-Y LIL DRAWINGS TO ADD ON TO THESE THINGS... ahsdjkg thank you so much silver, you make my heart sing <3 thank you!