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So, a few months ago I made the mistake to change my currency to Euro. This ended up harming not only you, but myself as well, because how some of you know, I live in Switzerland, and we have our own currency, Swiss Francs. 

This meant that my main audience, which happens to be paying their tier prices in USD, had their payments converted to Euro, for patreon, which then again were converted to Swiss Francs, for me. This means whenever I would get my paycheck I ended up having twice the conversion fees pulled from me. 

This has been extremely stressful for me, especially because I moved out in October of last year. For you guys, again, nothing will change, and if it will, it will be minor! Please do feel free to check over the prices after they're changed and decide if you want to stay or not! <3 My end goal here is to be able to stabilize my patreon income enough, that I can supplement the rest of what I need with commissions, so that I will be able to end up lowering some of the tier prices, which would make it better for you, and I would feel less of a pressure to post as much as I currently do.

I wanted to lay this all out for you guys to be transparent. Patreon is something that only works for me because of you guys. I am so appreciative and I want to give you guys as much bang for your buck as I possibly can.

Never be shy and let me know about your thoughts! Give me feedback, tell me if I give enough content for the tier that you're at, or if you think you're overpaying/underpaying. 

I love you guys so much and I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you! Thank you so much!

I'll make a short announcement when I've changed the currency again! :) <3


Peter Shaw

damn, sorry to hear that something that was obviously intended to reduce your stress/annoyance actually caused more Jas... hopefully things resettle now!