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hasjkdgh cyan really is behind on his tasks... at least no one is getting killed rn... XD



Peter Shaw

gorgeous Jas!


I play cyan with the name Baja Blast... Thank you. lmfao I can't wait to share this with my gf to further solidify our bond of monster fucking 👾 we both found you separately and found out via your art we both have a kink for marking/scars/scratches/bruises etc beyond a typical person's amount. keep it up you wonderfully deviant angelic gift. your mind is a beautiful place 💙


oh my god baja blAST THATS FUCKING GENIUS XD and omg hajskdg that's so cute :'DDDD i am so glad you guys like the scars and markings I add!! it's one of the things i hardly ever leave out ahskdjg thank you so much!!! <3