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I know not everyone cares about this, but imma make a post anyway, because this may influence my posting schedule for a few days!!!

I am moving out from home!!!! For the first time in my life I will be completely on my own (with a roommate, my bestie) and independently working without my parents' support.

We got our keys today and I'm moving tomorrow (unless my dad's knee isn't doing well, then we'll see)! I am really excited to make a home here, and make it so that it matches my aesthetic rather than having to cramp everything in a room in my grandma's house. XD

If you guys would like to see before/after pics, give me a shout in the comments, and please be understanding if I cannot post every day in the few upcoming days!!! <333

I love you all so much, and thank you all so much for your support!!! <333 xxxx, Jas






You're gonna love having your own space so much!