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Welcome! I am so honored and happy to have so many new patrons, and I just wanted to post a quick update about myself.

I am currently suffering with extreme pain in my throat, and my wrist is weirdly hurt as well. I am going to go on antibiotics today and if those don't help, then I will get tested for Mono on Monday. I will try to draw content for you guys, but in case not a lot of new stuff is up this weekend, just please feel free to roam the "Patron Exclusive" tag for art that I've never posted. (Especially you darling new patrons).

I am so grateful for your support and patience, and hopefully I can soon gift upon you an abundance of art again! <3 I will not stop tryin, and I'll defs manage the Geraskier riding piece in the near future, but I just wanted to give you all an update instead of leaving you all in the dark! <3

If you took the time to read this, I love you so much, and again, I am so grateful for you guys! <3 Thank you!

(also feel free to leave suggestions in the comments, i am a Poll nut so i can definitely put out some polls this weekend for future arts!)



I hope you feel better soon lovely. <3 Here for you if you need to talk.


Hope you feel better! *sends all the virtual hugs*