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Here are the usual monthly charges.  As usual, access links will be sent after processing (give or take 2 days)



I'm somewhat confused. I've signed up at the five-dollar level, yet it seems I'm being charged four times at five dollars. So what's the deal?


Damn, payments from China are always a few days late.


The page had originally been setup to be a "Per post of 5-10 pictures" with the promise of never going over 4 charges. I've been putting off rewording the front page and I do need to get to that but most people still miss it. I eventually switched to charging the 4 max charges every month because I was consistenly delivering over 40 pics per month so that was the whole idea. If I had the option, I would switch it to a clearer 4/8/20$ per month tiers which is more or less what this is. The "Per post" is still accurate though as I still over deliver on that end.