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Do you guys like that I've gone with longer stories here?  The genie story/concept is one I was planning to turn into a written story serial back when I was much more active on that side and I wanted to know if people have been enjoying it...

Curious to know how people like the characters and have an idea where the next chapter is going.  Just looking to get a bit of conversation going with you all...


Simon Moody

it was good i can't wait for the next chapter to come out.

Alex Flores

They were fantastic. Love how your art is progressing


Good job on the renders! Storywise, I'm wondering if in this 1/3 of the females to blowup dolls, there will be many "reality show" stars? I mean, there's already a lot of perfeclty good candidates for this tf, and why not make "being a blow up doll" the new trend? The thought of a Kayne with his doll is part hilarious part scary, but you get my point.


Love the genie story. The nice thing is there's a genie. You can go on forever with that kind of story.


Your stories of yore were always amazing. I'm always pleased to see where your imagine takes us. By the way: the Genie story is awesome!


The Genie was awesome just ended a bit too soon and oh man how i wish i was Lindsey such a lucky girl


As for me, I more like a Halloween story, and I hope it will have some continuing...

Jai-Dee Worth

I really like just about any new story line. The hazard is that you'll end up with allot of stories and a limited 'bandwidth' to update them in a timely manner... I'd suggest finishing a line out, or ending a chapter, so the readers know there will be a pause, before starting a new storyline, or chapter. Your content is, in a word, fantastic. I look forward to the coming months.


I like the idea of doing longer stories. It would be great if you expanded on previous stories as well. The inflating and deflating dominatrix story in particular. The character that permanently transforms the dominatrix into a doll uses an awesome tool, and she says that shes addicted to the feeling and insinuates she will do it again. Maybe have her trick several girls into being transformed in a series? and then show her with her collection in a big finale and maybe a guy tricks her and then takes her and all of the dolls for himself.


For my money, the stories are better. I guess the problem is, if you're having to do multiple sets a month, we're not going to get another 'Erin go' or 'high stakes'. I understand the effort to make those (and High Stakes is a personal fave FWIW ^^). Plus I've *never* enjoyed the whole deflation thing. Transformation is where the art is at (IMHO). hen the story has to make up for time. 'P is the new B' didn't float my proverbial but both 'halloween' and 'genie' do, and as


For my money, the stories are better. I guess the problem is, if you're having to do multiple sets a month, we're not going to get another 'Erin go' or 'high stakes'. I understand the effort to make those (and High Stakes is a personal fave FWIW ^^). Plus I've *never* enjoyed the whole deflation thing. Transformation is where the art is at (IMHO). So, if the pics themselves can't have as much time then the story has to make up for it. 'P is the new B' didn't float my proverbial despite the fab outfits (they were lovely) but both 'halloween' and 'genie' do (hey, throw in some fab outfits and they'll be a 10 in my book, says the selfish guy!), and as a couple of commenters have already said, the genie story could totes be a recurring theme. So game on, gg! ;-)


I think stories are a good idea as it allows you to develop the characters a bit more, plus it also enables you to introduce new ideas and new characters. I think there's more satisfaction in a ongoing story. Short sequences are good but they will probably tend to get a little formulaic in time. I also think introducing more TG twists like 'Halloween' is a very good idea, helps keep it varied and will probably attract more patrons. Doing a two stage transformation, TG and then ultimately TF would be great imho. From a personal point of view, the deflation part doesn't do it for me but I can appreciate the effort that went into those scenes. Overall, I think both your artwork and storytelling have been excellent so far.

dn puǝ sıɥʇ

My favorites have been Double Dildo Dolls and WtDPhotoshoot, not only for the story but also the consensual aspect, or that they are enjoying the change, is a major factor for me.