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At last, sending those out and going to sleep.  Sorry for the delay, woke up to find out the whole night's work gone because of a power outage, so lost about 3 pictures worth of work.

Part of the reason this took a bit longer is I was trying to do damage control on these and it was in vain.  I need to have the work redone overnight, meaning I have to delay Set 20 (the Halloween set) to later tonight, October 3rd (none of that 'wait a whole month when I said the set will be out in the next 2-3 days).  The reason for this is that I said when I posted the teasers to that set that it would be a 2-parter.  And it will be, but instead of finishing the work on part 2 this month, I decided to prolong the Genie set into 2 parts (a better decision, I believe.  I really like that set and the overall story it will be telling.  It is more fleshed out as it is an old idea that was supposed to end up as one of my written stories, only now in illustrated form).

Also reason I wanted to push back part 2 of Halloween is that instead of cutting off part 1 and making part 2 right away, I pushed it back and prolonged part 1 a bit to add a few more pictures, hence the unexpected delay.  I should really storyboard these better.

I will try to have another update this evening when I post set 020 because I have more news to share.

For now, enjoy the 3 new sets I did upload for now, that's still 66 pictures for those 3 sets... not a bad number considered I aim for 5-10 per set...

Still, thanks for all your patience!



ugh! Somehow I have deleted the email and can't recover it. Any way you can sent me the links again?