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Set 12&13 is the longest set I've ever had to make. Rendering AND posing 5 characters frame after frame (and rendering twice when they are mid-transformation) has taken up pretty much the whole month, with sets 14 and 15 squeezed in there to keep me from going crazy and actually work on sets where I could move forward more than one frame per day.

It is a set I have retooled for the whole month, with the story changing in there a couple times. With that said, when the 'pay scare' happened yesterday, I went back to the set and decided to add a little twist to the story. What it means is that I still have 2-3 renders to add to really make it the story it has turned into.

Now, because those renders are just backstory and not part of the sexy stuff, I decided to post the renders I had so far because I didn't want to delay the set itself.

Because I am essentially delaying the release of the final product by a day or two, I still decided to go ahead and release the RAW renders. What it means is that you actually get more renders (you get the human render and the doll render, BEFORE I put it through photoshop and make it a half-transformation... in a way it means you get more dolls). What it also means is that you get stuff that's a bit more rough and hasn't gone through the couple corrections I bring in with photoshop. It allows you a bit of insight into what the stuff looks like before you get your hands on it, something only the people with the PSD files have been able to see so far. This month, it is a bonus to apologize for the slight push-back.

The set itself will still be out in a day or two, with proper story and speech bubbles. I will also try to squeeze in the last 2 renders of the bonus pics I promised last month. These will be put into the June folders as well because that's when it should have released. This means if you are no longer a patron but still have your June passwords, you will have access to it as I feel that it is part of what you paid for THEN, not part of this month's stuff.



how do I access them?


Check your email. You should have been sent a link and the associated password for it.


I haven't had a link sent yet. Payment has been confirmed.


I just joined, can I get a password now, or do I have to wait till next month? And thank you for being such an awesome artist


You'll have to wait the month, Patreon doesn't have the functionality to backdate payments, at least that's what they told me last month when I pledged a day late.


That seems odd, considering all the technology we have nowadays. It should just be able to show the site's runner "this person subscribed at X value, this person isn't subscribed, this person's subscription(pledge time) ran out." Thanks for the answer.


May I know when the proper set and bonus pics will be up?


Started rendering the last of the bonus pics before leaving for work. So the 4 bonus pics from June should be up later tonight. The set got pushed back due to a pretty full week. It'll be up before the weekend as I need to get things moving on this months content.