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While I am within the 5-10 picture/set goal I set up for your patronage with set #008 (Real World VS Doll World), with its 8 pictures, I've been looking them over and I'M not happy with the content provided.  It's good stuff but I want to give you more.  I will be adding from 4-6 pictures to that set in the next few days.

It's a bonus to you all, as a way to thank you for your continued patronage but also to satisfy me, partly because I may have set the bar too high so far (by that I mean saying I'd be charging you all for 5-10 pics per set but delivering on average a minimum of 15 pics per set).

Frankly, I put up the 5-10 picture goal at first because I had no idea how much I'd be able to deliver in a month.  Turns out I'm getting better at making new stuff.  And also because making a set of picture is easier than making 'one-offs' (by that I mean that I will work on a single set/environment to push out multiple pics, versus making a whole environment for a single picture, like I have been doing on DA, because the setup of that environment is the longest part of the work... that and actually rendering, of course)

A 'heads-up' post will be made once I upload the new pics


Alex Flores

awesome, cant wait to see all the pics, just messaged you on DA and messaging you here, cant wait to see the pics this weekend! :)


What ever happened with these? are you just adding it to the August set?


Usually take a few days off at the beginning of the month after the all the post-production work then started the new sets and remembered those halfway into the month. Got 2 done and 2 more to do, still going to be part of the July content. Worst case scenario (which I don't think will happen), if they are released after the month is done, they will still be uploaded in the July folder and your links and passwords do not expire after the month so you always have access to that even if you are no longer a patron.