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Welcome everyone and thanks for the interest in my art!

Here are a few things to know on how Patreon works and how my page will operate:

- Patreon charges you on the first of every calendar month.

- Access is given out after being billed.

- Patreon lets you charge either a monthly charge or on a 'per post' basis.

- The pledge you make to me is on a 'per post' basis.  This allows me to keep prices low and enticing.

Here's why...

The idea is that I do not have enough unreleased material (all of it is available on Deviant Art at the moment, with a couple bonus pics on Tumblr and Flickr) to charge a 20$/month for 'all my stuff'

By keeping the price low, people who want to follow me and get the latest stuff can do so at 1$ per post (of 5-10 pictures), with access to up to 5 sets, the older ones being rotated out as new ones come out.  Since I aim to post around 4 sets per month on average, this means for a whole month, it could cost you up to 4$.  Pretty reasonable.

The second tier is self-explanatory.  It will start to have proper value after 5 sets have been posted and you then get access to all retired sets as well, on a good month, it could cost you up to 8$.

The 5$ tier gives you all the bells and whistles and would possibly cost up to 20$/month.  

So the idea behind the 'per post' method is to keep costs low while they can still reach the 20$ mark some Patreons have for their 'everything' tier.  And the beauty of this is if I post less, it just costs you less.



So if i pledge 5$ do i get january's posts for example ? ... im totally new at this and i JUST found out your stuff which i loved on sight!


Thanks a lot! The way it works is you pay 'per set', of which there are 4 per month. So the 1$, 2$ and 5$ tier are technically 4$, 8$, 20$ for a month. The 8$ and 20$ tier give you access to everything I ever made.


I pledged for $2 .... im sorry if im asking too many questions but i really dont know how this works ... how can i see the sets/stories ? :p