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Got one last conversation scene to go before wrapping up Malpractice Part 18.  Should be out sometime this week if the new PC cooperates with the file transition thing currently going on...




Long week.....


Yes, sorry about that. That last conversation scene I was supposed to do? I went kind of nuts with it. Because of the new PC, I moved what was meant to be a simple conversation in Emma's room to a whole different environment and then just kept finding excuses in the story to add more people on screen just to test the limits of the hardware. I didn't hit the limit yet but there was no space left and I really had to finish the scene. I hope you find it worth it in the end. I also ran into technical issues with Emma's pigtails on the new PC but I've finally found a way to fix that. Also, the current plan is I aim to have it up tonight if at all possible (likely very late night, though)


Just let us know the next time. Touching in the dark witout any info. But great news and keep up the good work.


Its quite Alright, good to hear the new pc is is so Michael better :)