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 As usual, here are the monthly charges which will be followed by your links and passwords on May 2nd, when I get confirmation from Patreon.   



where do we receive the password ? on our email address ? or dm somewhere ?


Sig kannst erstmal warten ob du eine Antwort bekommst.....


Hello, I still haven't received the links and passwords, even though I paid and you said you sent them yesterday. Is this normal?


Passwords are usually sent on the 2nd-3rd of the month (just sent them now). Mostly due to the fact that I say they will be up on the 2nd and suffer from a severe case of 'what day is it again?' so I often tend to send them either on the 3rd (or way way late night on the 2nd... so the 3rd). It is a fault of mine and I apologize for the delay.


Hello, I haven't received the password/links yet.