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As I keep working on set 120 and flesh out the next Divine chapter (I have a few scenes in mind but I'm trying to put it all together cohesively before I start rendering), I started right away on this set because it was my latest inspiration, a scene that came to mind as I was working on the last Malpractice chapter.

Basically, a girl misses all the signs of a nationwide product recall as she heads home with the product in question... It is 2/3rds done.




Super, j'espère que tu le mettras vite en ligne car ce que tu nous as déjà montré est superbe, et je suis si excité de voir la suite, merci encore à toi pour ce splendide travail...


Ooh... this looks interesting...


You are a genius when it comes to this art! Love the malpractice series, can't wait for part 12. The young, freckled, cute schoolgirl with bigger and bigger tits is insanely hot! Keep up the great work.


Recently read your "to all new people post". Do you only ssend out the passwords/links at the beginning of the month? I just missed it by 2 days and was hoping that you might be able to send them still?

Tom Tomsen

It's a batch process at the beginning of the month, so you'll be charged and get access at the beginning of October. I recommend going for tier 2 at first so you get access to all previous content


Great to see someone expressing enthusiasm like that. You're basically saying what I suspect a good deal of patrons are thinking.