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Felt I should update you all as I've told a fellow patron that I was planning on having the Genie set out this night, but I found out as I was working on post-work (speech bubbles) that I was missing 2 Doll renders (when I make transformations, I render the picture with the normal human figure and then re-do it as a doll figure, then put them together in Photoshop).  So I've got those set up for render today, along with a bunch of other pictures because I will be out of the house today.  This is why I know even if the renders are done, the set won't be out tomorrow.

The reason for the tardiness is that as soon as I was done rendering the Genie set, I started working on the next set (Malpractice 11 and set 120), which is already halfway done, because I felt inspired right then.  I'm sharing a few pics here to tide you over until I'm back home to finish the set.




As long as you enjoy what you're doing. Burnout can be a killer.