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I am finally moving into my new place tomorrow.  I'm getting my privacy back and no more people buzzing around my workstation disrupting me or people listening to TV near me at near deafening volume so I can't hear myself think anymore!

I'm also moving 5 minutes away from work (as opposed to being 30 minutes away when there's no traffic... so rush hour meant 45+) so I'm getting at minimum 1h30 back PER DAY!  Exciting times!

Also moving back into the city so that means proper high speed connection and no more power outages when it gets slightly windy.

One thing planned with this new connection is uploading all the missing PSDs you guys should have been getting (but strangely haven't been mentionning).

Short term update: I want to get Malpractice 6 (Set 95) out tonight if I can help it, and be done with Set 94: Fresh Off The Boat, Part 1 (turning it into a 2-parter) before the end of the weekend.  I'm getting a 5-day weekend this week, a 4-day weekend next week and a 3-day weekend after that, so that'll help me get settled into the new place and producing great stuff again.



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