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It just struck me as I looked at which numbered set we were currently on that the big 100 is coming up next month and I have to see I haven't really thought of planning anything special.  

Thought it might be a good topic to get you all involved a bit... do any of you have a great idea for number 100?



Maybe do a series about the television show 100. The space station sends girls down to earth to test if the radiation has faded. Maybe they find the radiation is still there and has strange effects on the girls?


I have three suggestions. 1) A revisit to the sex dollified world from the Genie series. 2) A story about a willful dollification center. 3) A series of images showing some unseen effect or aftermath of the events of the various other series you've you've done sofar.

Jai-Dee Worth

Commemorative calendar for 2019, or a stand-alone One-shot? Oh hey. I was raised in Eagle River. Small world. Living in South Dakota....I can NOT go without the A.C. during the summer.


How about based on this story: <a href="https://www.deviantart.com/nate-walis/art/Career-Women-and-Inflatable-Dolls-456752265" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.deviantart.com/nate-walis/art/Career-Women-and-Inflatable-Dolls-456752265</a>


Part 3 of The Makeover! You left us with a friend who betrayed another. I want to see how they make it through this!

Dave Barrack

Girls get picked via national (or state or city or college class or corporate or whatever) lottery to become public use inanimate (but still thinking and feeling) inflata-fucktoys for a set period, a week or month or something. Even only semi-willing girls are anxious and excited to be converted because of the generous government stipend they earn, so it is kind of like winning a mini-lottery, like a scratchoff, and so many of the girls that go through it choose to remain as (animated) inflata-dolls.

Dave Barrack

A college party where instead of roofies, guys slip dolly pills in girls' drinks. The girls are like "Well, you may as well fuck me, cause I'm super horny" It wears off if they can go 24 hours without fucking, so most girls spend a few semesters as dollies.

Dave Barrack

Bad Girls converted to dollies for community service, then doing stuff like being passed around a men's prison to keep them mollified, or being rented for college parties or whatever.


I can't remember, have you done anything specifically sex shop based? A couple looking for something to spice things up, a gift for a "friend" that turns out to be more literal than they thought, etc....


Or maybe something with a bit more techy based robot dolls and a sex doll/ breast enhancing virus lol


I always like the idea of TF games. Like a board game or card game. Could even be a regular game and the change(s) happen because of a bet (like stip poker but with big boobs and sex toys).


I would like to see more than just one picture of the "From dusk till doll" story

Shawn Parsons

Maybe a zombie style? Where all the girls and guys get turned into dolls upon having sex?


How about a crossower with some your series? :) Like a big party where Deflatrix, Emma, Laurence, Jamie, Amanda, Felicity etc... They could share an experience and maybe some toys :D

Alex Flores

Id like to see that hottie Erica as a mermaid........and why not doe one of your old stories?


It's not exactly 100set worthy but I would like to see a few more Male to female sex doll transformations.

Annotated Fury

Maybe something like a haunted house, and when the girls get possessed by the ghost it turns them into dolls?


The male drinks a potion or chemical and each time he does the nasty it changes his girlfriend into a doll slowly. Have it be over time, like a week or so and if they miss a day, it backslides a step.


Maybe have a vote for people's favorite characters and have some sort of crossover between the winners


I wouldn't mind a revisit of Jessie and Jamie from "You are What You Read" to see how they're doing, though I don't think it's quite what is warranted for set 100. Perhaps something more epic in proportion - use the opportunity to push a few boundaries? Take what people seem to like here and push it a little further in whichever direction your dirty mind might conjure up.


Especially if it could be put out by Halloween