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First things first:  Set 80 is super late.  The good news is it has not been holding back the sets after that.  I just want to make it right and to be fair, the last scene is mostly spent in this one room and I have 7 characters in that room already, with more barging in at the beginning of the scene.  Of course, I will be focusing on the important characters and the rest will be mostly off-screen, but I wanted to be clear on why it has been so late: I needed to work on smaller stuff (2-3 characters max is much easier to handle).

With that said, Set 81-82 are pretty much done (I probably forgot 1-2 pics to tie up the story but those should take about an hour or two to render).  I am hoping to have 1 if not the 2 sets up later tonight (between those 2 sets, there's about 80 pics, so I haven't been twiddling my thumbs or anything).

Set 84 is about 2/3 done too (picture above).  It is the first time I try a first-person story and it is HOT (again, see sweaty girl above ;)  ).  I am *hoping* to have that out before the weekend is finished too.

More good news: I have the whole coming week off of work, so again a period of catching up on sets 80 and 83.  And then prepping for the new sets.  For the coming month, I will be working on continuing Malpractice.  I'm giving Divine Interventions a break because I don't know which of the chapters I have planned I want to do next, and I want to be sure I don't rush into it.  The 2 other sets will be doll sets, but more likely off-series, so I can keep them more intimate/under control and not go crazy with dozens of characters like I have been doing lately :P

*** Please forgive the lateness and remember your passwords do not expire.  Those who have paid for the content are still getting it if it releases a month after you've paid for it.  Of course, that's no excuse for making you all wait, but hopefully you'll forgive my going off working on a different set just to keep the juices flowing ***




Honestly I don't feel like you need to constantly apologize when you are delivering close to 4 times the amount of quality content promised per package. The fact that you haven't tried to charge more or simply break up what you deliver makes the wait easily tolerable and well worth it.