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As the title suggests, one of your fellow patrons made this poll and I've been meaning to share it for the last 2 weeks. Curious to know what people's opinions are. If you feel like leaving a comment to say what made you pick a certain set, that would be great too... Maybe get a little conversation going. 😀


Have your say: What is your favourite Leticia Latex patreon set?

Voice your opinion on the poll: What is your favourite Leticia Latex patreon set?



I'll comment here because I didn't feel comfortable commenting with my Facebook login on the poll site. I picked the Double Dildo Dolls set because I'm a fan of the super-huge boobs in that set, especially the first brunette after she transforms. Would love to see more along those lines. Would also be happy to see a continuation of that set sometime. What are the girls' reactions after they get re-inflated, and what happened to the girl who gave them the dildo? I do like the doll transformation sets the best, although I've enjoyed The Spheres as well, particularly the super-pale goth girl. Would like to see some more girls with odd skin colors, like a red devil girl transformation (doll or non-doll), or a geisha doll. Anyway, just a few thoughts. Keep up the great work!


My only problem with this poll is that I can't pick more than one. While I picked the Makeover series (turning a blue haired punkish girl is HAWT), I love the Deflating Dominatrix for the deflation scenes especially!