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Dev update is a little later than usual today, but I've been preparing the Beta for testing and am just about ready to compile and upload it for the testers.

Release information

The game will be available for the $10 and up tiers next Friday, the 26th, as part of your tier reward. As usual, long-term $5 and $1 tier supporters will get the download links 5-7 days after the release. This is due to the high number of downloads happening on release day and the following days to ensure those with the download as a tier reward don't have problems downloading, and I can keep up with re-uploading to replace broken links.

Your name in the credits

You can now add your name to the credits if you're a $20 or up supporter.  Use this link to do so. Remember that this is a reward that lasts until U4iA season 1 completion.

Last-minute music addition

If you know 'Two Steps from Hell' and his epic music, you might enjoy one of the songs added, which is made (and sung) by the same people. In total, over 40 songs are added.

I had a lot of fun playing through this episode, and I know you will, too.

This update is public, due to the release.

See you all next Friday, and stay safe out there.

// Drifty






Hey Drifty, Are you in the Bay area? If so, I was wondering if you would be interested in seeing the Talbott Brothers next time they roll into town. I can let you know. Cheers!