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2,372 frames of animation were done this week, and they are all for the cinematic I mentioned last Friday.

The positive is that having all the animations rendering meant my significant other could finally drag me out of the house and we could get the Christmas shopping out of the way. The negative is, well, having two computers doing Dforce simulations and rendering nonstop, there was no increase in story renders.

Above is the Premiere Pro timeline of the cinematic with the song displayed as green, and the animations as purple, so you have a rough idea of how much of it I have left to animate (what's not purple). It'll most likely run for most of next week too, but I'll jump into full Ren'Py mode as it keeps rendering.

So, it's kind of a boring dev diary this time, but it's still very good progress. You'll get to see the full animation as the release date trailer when I know I'll be able to reach the date I've set myself.

And before I forget, if you have any questions concerning anything, feel free to drop them in the comments, and I'll do my best to answer.

Cheers, have a good weekend and stay safe out there.

// Drifty




Christmas shopping already? You're all crazy. Merry Christmas!


Shameless request that since Sea/C is in here, I would love to see Chris happy and visiting her. Best Bro ever. I am not sure if there is an official Cannon for LofF, but if that exists he can come with a girl and visit. Not tie up your new story, just a cameo or a hello. Chris is just the Best Bro.