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It's been posing and rendering all week. Last time Lin was the focus, and as you might have guessed by playing the first episode that Synne is offering an alternative, more milfyer route - and that's been this week's focus.

The free roam is getting close to complete. As this is a hotel, there will be a lot of rooms, and there's no way I can put people in every room. So I thought, why not reach out to other developers and see if they want to have some of their characters stay in this hotel? Sure enough, we already have our first guest from another game, and hopefully, I will be able to add a lot more.

The current completed render count is 799 story renders and 2,817 animated frames.

So, for this week's preview:

"Sure, I could spread my legs for you and have you do me on the table over there, right now... but where's the fun in that?"

- Synne

Leap of Faith - translation project

I've had so many requests for translating Leap of Faith since it was completed, I've finally decided to prepare it and open up for community translations. If you're interested in learning more or contributing, head over to my discord server at discord.gg/DriftyGames and check the channel #lof-translations (if you've connected your discord account to Patreon, you're already there).

Everyone contributing will be credited in the game.

Have yourself a good weekend, and stay safe out there.

// Drifty




I love love love cameos in AVNs so glad you will have some! Looking forward to finding them all!!!


thanks for the report. Regarding the translations, it's a good idea to give the games maximum accessibility, but after seeing so much horror (sloppy work or self-translation), I prefer english and wish for easily understandable texts. I'm French by the way, and I don't have too many comprehension problems, except in certain cases. I love "chasing sunset" but certain terms relating to the medical world and research are a pain for me. so go through the community is the best idea, provided of course to find serious people...