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This week was a bit of an all-types-of-work week.

I spent some time in Premiere Pro with post-production on the animations that have finished rendering, and that's when I noticed that some of the more 'wigglier' parts of the girls which I had animated, didn't wiggle anymore.

You see, Daz is a good program for doing a lot of things, but it comes with quite a few quirks. When I save a file on my posing rig and load it into the render-rig for the actual rendering, there's a huge possibility that some morphs/movements didn't save. So that leaves me with quite a checklist to go through before starting the actual animation rendering. And now, I had to add one more thing to that checklist, because no wiggle animations saved.

So I'm in the process of re-rendering those animations, and they are just about done. It won't cause a delay, because I have decent hardware power and I expect it to eat through the current render queue quite fast.

Part of developing this is also learning new things, so I did quite a bit of testing on the latest generation 3d figure from Daz, the Genesis 9 model. I was impressed by some aspects of the model, and decided to redo one of the girls I had made (but not yet started to use) as a Genesis 9 model. You'll meet in u4ia. Here she is.

So why haven't I converted all the figures to Genesis 9?

The actual conversion from Genesis 8.1 (the current characters) to Genesis 9 is a bit finicky and extremely time-consuming. There's no 'one-click conversion' software available, and skin maps are completely different. The amount of content available for Genesis 9 is also sparse. Finally, I also have to convert all hair, clothing, poses, and even facial expressions. Hopefully, I can take the full step into Genesis 9 at some point, but for now, you can at least enjoy one of the girls in u4ia as Genesis 9.

I love the content I've made so far, and I can't wait to show it to you. Unfortunately, there's still quite a bit to do before I can release the chapter with a full consistent story. But the guys are all waiting to meet you; Gina, Paige, Teagen, Jack, Lars, Sea (remember her?), Ana, Deedee, Elektra, Geneva, Nikita, Sergei, Lin, Anita, Nyah, Siwan, Eudora, Synne, Celeste, Aidan... and many others.

All the best, and stay safe out there.

// Drifty




Keep up the great work Drifty. Take a rest too so you don't get exhausted. Best of luck. 'Sea' i indeed 'see' what you did there 🤣

Michael Arias

We're getting closer and closer every week. I am really excited


I will always remember Sea and I think it's unseemly to even consider anything else.


Never heard the term wiggly used over jiggly in this context 😂


Sure I do remember C ;)