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So, for the result of last week's poll, a whopping 74% of you want to set up the sidekick with one of the main girls of the story, 20% of you want a dedicated girl for him, 5% do not want him with any girl, and the last 1% doesn't need him in the game.

I still feel setting him up with a dedicated girl would have had the potential for some fun scenes, even on the lewd side, but I'll twist my head a bit until we get to that point.

Otherwise, my Daz problems are now ok and we're back to normal rendering. Thank you, Wibble for doing some testing on one of the girls. I still can't Dforce anything, but I suspect that's down to Daz not yet being fully compatible with the 4090. In case you don't know what Dforce is, it's basically gravity simulation on clothing, hair etc.

I've only done story renders this week, and my render folder now shows 548 renders. That's a 198 render increase, which is not bad seeing I lost last weekend due to Daz misbehaving. I've also ordered another 4090 which is good news for when animations are the main focus.

I hope you have a nice weekend and happy Halloween to those who celebrate it. Stay safe out there, and if you're a patron of Stone Fox Studios, you'll definitely have something good to play through, as a new chapter of Chasing Sunsets is out.

// Drifty




I read that the dforce issue is due to the latest nvidia drivers. Rolling back might help but then you might have issues because the 4090 needs the latest version. Nvidia is aware of the issue though so hopefully a fix is in order

Jason Chandler

I'm definitely a fan of hooking up the sidekick, although I do kinda wonder if I could have ended up with a three-way with Linda and Ceecee if I hadn't hooked up chris.


Even though I voted in the poll, I'm kind of on the side of ignoring the poll. I mean, you should go with what your creative instincts tell you, or else we're not getting the "director's cut" experience.


If you were planning on something fun lewding that character...I could understand giving him a dedicated girl just to avoid "that'.. I voted for main girl since going off the way it worked in leap I enjoyed Chris and Linda on my non Linda runs. But depending on your ideas I can see the dedicated.


Having a dedicated girl would've enable a lot of flexibility. I fully support you to just do what feels right for the story.

Stuart Dollar

This. If you have something specific in mind for YOUR story, go with that, rather than the poll.


+1 on "tell the story how you want to." Maybe she's interested in the MC but after meeting the sidekick ...


I feel like you're disappointed with the results. You should make the game the way you want it... and if you really want to stick with the poll results....Why not do both?


If the friend is half as cool as Chris I would play the game for just seeing that. Chris really is the best bro ever.