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Always when I do these dev updates, I have fresh coffee prepared and put my feet on the side of the desk. My coffee cup is old and has seen an enormous amount of coffee over the years. It's even started to fade a little bit, but I don't care. It's still my favorite. It's one of those 5-dollar "world's greatest dad" cups, and it always puts a smile on my face.

So, In this dev diary, I thought I'd share a story.

Many years ago, when my daughter was about 8 years old, she came running into the living room shouting "I got something for you, dad!". She had just returned from school, and of course, I'm thinking she'd been picking up some flowers from the neighbor's flower bed or something like that.

She stands in front of me with a huge grin on her face, her face shining with pride, handing me a box.

"Where did you get a box from?", I reply. "Go on, open it!" she says almost jumping with excitement.

So I open the box, look inside, and feel my eyes well up.

"It was only '5 dollars'", she says still grinning.

That morning I had given her the money so she could buy herself some snacks or whatever she wanted on the way home. And instead, she had used all of it on this.

So out of the box, I lift the $5 "world's greatest dad" cup. I am having serious problems holding back the tears at this point and I stutter something like: "But, the money was for you."

She gives me a hug as she replies, "Yeah, but it was so cool, don't you think?".

I barely have a chance to say "I love it" before she's off again. Running outside to her waiting friends. At which point there's no way I can hold back the tears anymore.

So now you know the backstory of the $5 reference in the game, and the "World's best Cece" coffee cup render.

I know some people have raised the question that I fabricated what inspired Leap of Faith for economical gain. I don't know why they would say that, and it doesn't affect me.

But what I do know is that today would have been her birthday.

That image is from today. And today, like every year there was a letter there from someone who writes she cheered up his day by just being there. She didn't even know. I saw him at her funeral, crying. Even though they'd never exchanged a word.

She's not here anymore, and I respect what she did. But she did leave me with an enormous amount of good memories and even knowing the outcome I'd go through it all over again.

All the best, and stay safe out there.

// Drifty

ps1: Put out more than 200 renders this week, stopping at 1,841 story renders.
ps2: Release date reveal next Friday




Man Drifty, you already get me regularly feeling feels I didn't expect to feel in this "type" of game. Now you gotta do it on Patreon updates too? I'm kidding, just to be clear, what an amazing update and I thank you for having the courage to share the story with us. I'm so sorry for your loss, as a father of a teenage daughter I can't even fathom the pain. I wouldn't WANT to even if I could imagine it.


Oh and the gift part kind of got me, too. Those are always the best ones. The best gift I ever got in my whole life came from my daughter when she was around 11. Our cat, Jafar, who was 19 and had been there her whole life and then some had recently passed away. It was father's day. As a father's day gift she gave me a photo of Jafar that I didn't even know existed as well as a drawing of the photo she made herself. It didn't cost a penny (unless you count the photo paper for the print out and the pencils/paper for the drawing.) It took all I had to hold it together until after I hugged her and she left and I lost it immediately after. You could tell she put so much work into the drawing and was so proud of how well it turned out. She was beaming. I keep the photo on my desk at home and the drawing on my desk at work. They'll stay prominently displayed in those locations for as long as I work and continue to breathe.


Wow. As a father, this hits hard. It explains why the emotions in the story come across so strong. You are building something great.


You already did make the best tribute that is making her story known to many of us that enjoy and love this game, she will be remembered not only by you but all of us. Thank you for sharing all this :)


With tears in my eyes I readed the above. It's a touching Story. I am sadly not a father, but can imagine what you (and her mother of course) must have gone through. Best wishes Drifty, and Happy Birthday C.....


Thanks for sharing this story with us. I think we all love her now. She will live in our memory too. Happy Birthday C, hope you're happy wherever you are now


*sniff* I am so sorry Drifty . Having a tear rolling down my chin. My god you are so strong, and an amazing person!!! What you do for your patrons tells a lot about you! Keep that passion, and the cup filled with coffee <3


Somewhere in the world an AI developed emotions after reading this. Best VN story I've played and clearly it's from the pure love put into it. <3


Words can't express how I felt when I read this update, partly as a father. When I have played LoF multiple times, I continually felt the story you were telling came from the heart and experience to be able to infuse such emotions into it. Thank you for sharing this with us and LoF itself.


I hope you found happiness whereever you are C, happy birthday.


May those who need it find peace.