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Hope you all enjoyed the chapter 8 trailer from last week. If you did, then it should be no surprise what the main event of the chapter is. If you haven't seen it, you can see it here.

I mentioned in the last dev update that I was going to focus on animations this week. Unfortunately, we got hit with a bit of a heatwave where I live, and that means a bit higher indoor temperature as well, which again resulted in my GPU topping the 100C mark. So instead I focused on story renders which are slightly less demanding on the hardware. The end result was another 100 renders done, setting the total at 1,562 for now.

Don't worry, this will not result in a delay, because these story-renders would have to be done anyway. And according to the weather forecast, we should be back to normal outside temps already by tomorrow.

Ren'Py 8 was also released this week, which opens for Python 3, whereas the Ren'Py 7 versions make use of Python 2.7. I wasn't sure Leap of Faith would run on it due to Python 3 handling math a bit differently, but I just did a test run and it's working fine. The only issue I could see was when saving a Nuke to your camera roll on the in-game phone, which should be fixable. This means that the final release will most likely run on Ren'Py 8 unless there are save game problems I haven't spotted yet.

If you have no idea what I was talking about right now, don't worry. It's just preparations for future releases. Unless you're running an older Windows version (before Windows 7) - then LoF won't work for you.

I also wanted to add another bit of functionality, which I might have to scrap. And that was to add your "screens seen" number to the Steam leaderboard. Unfortunately, there are no built-in Ren'Py functions that support this. Unless any of you are Python wizards and know how to do this, then please do contact me here or on Discord.

Anyway, that's it for this week. I hope life is treating you good, enjoy the season and stay safe out there.

// Drifty




Thank you Drifty, for doing what you do :)


Dang it you made me watch the trailer again. It is sad to say that so much in life does come to an end. It is the memories that make it worth it, be they good or bad. Thank you for your time and effort in this story.

Shane Ducharme

Thanks Drifty for bringing us with you on this amazing adventure you created! Looking forward to Chapter 8 and your future endeavors! Cheers!

Bob Fink

So looking forward to the release of Chapter 8!


Can't wait for chapter 8 and the future beyond it and what it's store next.

C. Pawlak

Been waiting for the final chapter so I can explore all the LI paths.

Eldon Freeman

That trailer is giving me goosebumps!

haibin ZUO

This preview made me look forward to it, and I thank Drifty for allowing me to experience such a great story.