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Finally, I've been able to sit down and work in Daz uninterrupted, and I've been having a lot of fun doing so. The week started off a bit weird though, with my son testing positive for Covid on Monday, but he's already recovering and my own daily tests keep showing negative.

Story renders are now up to 493, and animation frames at 6,356, which is a decent increase compared to last week.

It's hard to explain how big the actual chapter will be, but I expect it to be larger than normal due to the number of endings. Here's a visual example of how far along the way I am at the moment, with green being done. Note that it's highly simplified, and doesn't really show the differences in endings.

Steam vs. Patreon version of the game.

I feel I should clarify a misunderstanding that somehow has emerged. The $10 Patreon tier reward is "the full copy of the game". This means you're entitled to download the Patreon version here when it's released. It does not mean that the Steam version is a part of the tier reward. I've edited the tier rewards for clarity.


I've seen a lot of statements of "that would never happen in real life", or "Drifty got it wrong" when it comes to certain elements in the Leap of Faith story. I chuckle a bit when I read them because as you might know, I've been inspired by several real-life incidents when writing this. So for the fun of it, I've included a poll this week. Answer coming next week.

Have a nice weekend, and stay safe out there.

// Drifty

Which of the following situations in LoF is NOT based on real-life experiences (you can choose several, at least one is wrong).




Life writes the best stories and sometimes they are so over the top they seem made up.


What? A fictional lewd game has elements "that would never happen in real life"?? Please say it isn't so!! Seriously. Don't most people play these to avoid "real life"? What a ridiculous complaint. While some of the events in the game are highly unlikely ALL of them are entirely possible. The characters and situations are very relatable and down to earth. I'm not even going to vote because the entire premise of the poll is flawed. Drifty I'd say just ignore the critics. Your story and art are rocking along quite nicely. You're the only dev I've supported long term (more than a few months) and it's because of the quality of your work. The story is extremely personal as well, and hits close to my home too. Keep it up mate, and thanks.


Oh, I don't see it as critics, but it does draw a smile on my face when I read them. The poll is just for a bit of fun, and I can reveal it next week for those interested in a bit of backstory for some of the events in LoF. :)


I think the only one I'd go with is the pop star one.. and only because it's specifically *weeks* .. I bet lots of people get invited for a day or two


I'm gonna vote "none of that" ^^ We'll see if I'm right.


i voted agent and childhood friend and comapanion (i have good reason for one of those) but i could be wrong.


I voted hooking up with the agent investigating you while on the watch list. I'm hoping I'm wrong though, because that would be hilarious!

George Peters

They all seem within the realm of possibility.


Life is often stranger, crazier, and more insane than fiction. Fortunes and paths of life can change drastically so often that it's sometimes unbelievable and so hard to fathom until you've experienced it yourself. I've lived eventful series of events enough for multiple lifetimes and that type of thing isn't something I'd wish on anyone or want to experience any longer. Just want my peace, calm and quiet. I can relate to what Cece means when she's tired and exhausted of everything. When living a static routine life, I would have thought that crazy coincidences and wild unpredictable events can't happen. But that's the beauty of life: Anything can happen. So while I take the entertainment aspect of the story with a grain of salt obviously, I am happy with the story! Drifty, you're doing good in balancing 'realism' with 'entertainment' and 'keeping a happy tone'. Because.. as you are probably most painfully aware, often even in the best of circumstances, RL resolutions are filled with ambivalence and or bitter sweet feelings of incompleteness...dragging on resulting in even more sad depressing endings.. spiraling out of control. The 2nd Cece bridge scene, where... it's a game you can create happy endings.... and that's the beauty of story telling. We can inject a little bit of sunshine to keep us from going crazy and losing our minds... I mean during my first playthorugh, my mind flashed to... Cece dies, characters start to lose their own Lexi smile facade they all live for others.. But no one can help because Cece.. who can see behind the mask and the veil everyone wears and knows how to help out.. is gone.. and .. in my mind, there were no characters left by the end of the story... Everyone found their own solutions, none of it good..and I had to reel myself back. I'm so glad for chapter 7. Depression is addictive and contagious.... extremely so. But you know that already. Oh and... Thank you for making these characters such sweethearts who have good intentions at heart, care about the well being of others and are generally good people (I know it's so unrealistic that everyone is so mature, so self-aware, are able to show self-restraint, with care and compassion for each other... but for the purposes of the game it makes sense and I'm glad it's that way because I don't want serial depression simulator. Because crazy as it sounds, its so easy for it to turn into depression addiction and that never ending spiral that can seem inescapable with no end in sight. So please forgive my own selfishness for liking the 'unrealisticness' of it all. I'm perfectly happy to have it be a feel good piece with some exaggerations and seemingly insane fiction like aspects that highlights the wild, crazy unpredictable nature of life, but ends with positive and happy resolutions. You're doing a good job, keep it up, Drifty! I just wish I had the courage, expertise, and ability to tell my story like you do.. or hell even tell it through a thrid party. Because when I'm asked to write/tell or think about it, it's just so easy to end up doing the Lexi fake smile mask but internally into super dark Cece spiraling negatively... So I'm glad you have the ability and means to write your story. Kudos!


Sometimes real life is stranger than fiction. But I'm going to pick the 2 most everyone else is: there's all sorts of security concerns with both some global pop star taking home some random dude they just met and with a DHS agent actually hooking up with their surveillance targets. Though the job may require getting quite friendly, I doubt the US gov't is in the business of pimping out their employees when that's almost never necessary, at least with relatively benign domestic targets. And if there was even a hint they caught genuine feelings for their target they'd probably be reassigned in short order and certainly not let it drag on for 3 years.


The possibility of being released from the hospital the morning after a suicide attempt (factual claim) (For me all of those can happen except for this.... if this one happened then that "hospital" seriously need to be better.) Considering what I know or think I know about Lof, this one may even had happened and is the whole reason the life event did have a different outcome than the game? they all seem plausible.


After reading the update/answers I suppose the actual events they inspired in the game were loosely related. Though an aspiring musician meeting an established one at a studio is a different story than just some random dude in the audience after a chat during a short break. The DHS agent one was just a quick security check, not a 3-year investigation, so that's more believable (what she does on her own time is her own business for the most part, and no it was not like the meme with a swat team with semi-auto weapons drawn breaking down the door, just plainclothes guys and a couple knocks with badges out). Back when I trolled various forums as a main hobby I got the attention of a couple of FBI agents that paid me a visit (if that doesn't happen at least once a year then you're not trolling hard enough). They were dudes (sadly) but it took less than an hour (after some discussion and a quick search I consented to since there was nothing of note to find) to realize that I was just being an online asshole (not illegal, not yet at least) with no real threat imminent. I seriosuly doubt they were/are going to make a long drawn out thing out of it, they have millions of bigger fish to catch and only 35k agents to do it.


It's a bit comical that people say "this would never happen in real life" or that "you got it wrong". I'm not sure if people don't realize that this isn't a true event / story. The story you've created is better than a very high majority of even major title games. So no, you did not get it wrong by any means. Its been such a thought provoking, emotional, touching, and amazing ride so far. If people take any game, movie, song, or any entertainment that seriously, their missing the point. Its to escape the reality of life for a while, and enjoying the content for what it is. Don't question it, keep doing what you're doing. Youve created something past a NSFW game and gave it meaning and life. Truly great work, you should be proud.