HTTP 400 - I mean, thank you! (Patreon)
Another round number passed. Normally I don't really keep en eye on this (which might be the reason I forgot the 300 patreon render). But that doesn't mean I'm not thankful for the support you give.
So many of you have sent me heartful private messages about the game, and it's been really touching to read. I had no idea that my story could affect so many in a positive way, and I'm really glad it did. That means I managed to make the game as I hoped I could and get the message through.
I didn't jump into this with a wad ful of cash hoping to get rich. In fact, I sold my car to do the initial investments needed. And looking back on that, I still think it was a good decision.
Ok, ok. I'll stop with the rainbow puking now and leave you with the girls of LoF, getting ready for some winter fun. 'tis the season for it, innit. They might not all be super exited about the snow, but I'm sure they'll have fun. And it can't all be sexy poses, right?
And thank you, at least 400 times.