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And that's the end of 2020. It's been a weird year for most of us. Filled with uncertainty where we've had to adapt to new routines to accomodate for the world wide pandemic.

For me it started with the news of my uncle having got cancer. One of the healthiest guys I've known, who never smoked a single cigarette in his life, got lung cancer. A few months later, on the very day that LoF chapter 2 was released, he died.

And even with the world wide pandemic and my uncle in the back of my mind: for me, it will always be the year I decided to publish my first story, and it pretty much started with me downloading Daz studio and began rendering almost right from the bat. Looking back at the 25.000+ renders I've done since that, it's been a lot of work. But satisfying work.

The girl up there you probably know well by now. At one point I contemplated removing her from the story. To release a Visual Novel that deals with depression and having a girl that is about to jump from a bridge frightened me. I was afraid I'd give the wrong impression. She's not in the story because I wanted more views, clicks or likes. She's in the story to highlight a much worse pandemic than that of the Covid or cancer. One that can't be supressed by face masks, vaccines or any treatment at all.

I was on that bridge myself once. Not to jump, but to talk a girl out of jumping. It was one of the most powerful experiences in my life. That girl, an 18 year old beautiful woman with all of her life in front of her, who for some reason found life so painful she didn't want any more of it.

Not long after that night, she did succeed. From that very same bridge. She's gone, but left a life long impression. I'll never forget her.

So wherever you are in the world right now, I hope you're doing well. Later tonight I'll raise my glass to you all to thank you for being a part of my journey. And for the support you've given me along the way. I've said so before, and I'll say it again - you give me the tools to make a better game.

May you all have a happy new year.


// Drifty




My condolences. Here's hoping to a better and much brighter year. 🥂


I'm glad you left Cece in the story. Her arc is extremely powerful and engaging. I, like many others I'm sure, see some of her in ourselves or people we know. Happy New Year to you as well, looking forward to what it will bring.


As said above, I'm glad you left her in. She brings a powerful arc with her and reminds me of the important bits of life. My condolences also for your lose. I wish you a good 2021. P.s. you spoil us with all these renders... especially when they are so good everytime


Leaving in Cece was the best decision your ever made she has a cool personality.

David D

Happy New Year Drifty. Thanks for sharing this story with us. And thank you once again for this game.

Jill Valentine

Happy New Year Drifty! 🥂🖤🥂


I'm glad you left Cece in the story too, and not just because she's lovely. She's one of the very few video game characters I *worry* about--not because of external threats but because of what's still going on inside her head, and how her drinking might make it worse. Plenty of women in RPGs (see Skyrim, or the Witcher series) are strong and self-confident despite the horrible worlds in which they live. Your world is much, much more generous than reality or even most fantasies--where else does a gorgeous international celebrity pick you and your friends up in a private jet to whisk you off to party in luxury at her mansion?--and yet, the characters retain their wounded humanity. Most impressive.


Happy New Year Drifty!

Eldon Freeman

I agree with everyone above that your writing decisions put you in a small league of creators that manage to make games that are both erotic and engaging. The latest update of LoF was absolutely awesome , and I am really looking forward to what you will be doing in the future. Let's hope for a good 2021!


I'm glad you kept Cece in the story. She gives the novel more depth and not just a non-stop party. She is the one that hooked me on your story and she's the reason I'm staying. I can't wait to see her recover from her demons and learn to live life to the fullest. I also look forward to learning why she is the way she is. Keep up the great work in 2021!


Das Kapitel Depression ist wichtig und wird immer Aktuel sein. Mein Cousin hat sich in Folge dessen erhängt und hinterlis Frau und zwei Kinder. Noch Heute frage ich mich, wie hätte ich das verhindern können.Eine Bitte an Alle gebt Obacht und Helft. Es ist eine fiese und heimtückische Krankheit.