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This is going to be one of those boring updates with no pictures and just a bit of info. I'll give you something visual next week though. Promise. :)

I've been doing some research of how to progress into Chapter 4 and some prepwork for it. So the render amount increase is a bit lower than usual this week, but I should be right on track to push a bit extra next week.

So far, we're counting 251 stills and 916 animated ones. I've also posed the mother of all animations in 60fps. Atleast my computer won't run out of things to do when I'm not actively sitting in front of it.

When it comes to dialogue, I'm about 1/3 done. Other scripting, adjusting, eastereggs, etc, I do at the very end when rendering is getting close to finished.

I've set myself a release date, but it's way to early to annouce it. Hopefully I will be able to before too long.

Have a nice weekend. Enjoy yourself. :)



Good luck :)

