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Do I regret putting a release date out there? You bet! :)

Been a hectic week in preperation for Chapter 2 beta/proofreading which is due monday, but it's progressing nicely. Still count atm at 612 and 2138 animated ones, and still have about 24 hours of animation rendering to do in addition to a whole lot of script-work.

But now, for something else...

As a little thanks to you all for taking this Leap of Faith with me, putting your support in a virgin dev with nothing to show for, I'd like to offer something in return.

If you want to be credited in game, please reply to this thread with "+" to be credited by your patreon name, or "+your chosen name" if you want to go by any other (or msg me privately).

Remember to do so before midnight Wednesday 20th.

The credit screen will remain in game even when it's done, including Steam release.

Now, get on out of here. Enjoy the weekend. :D




yes Drifty my patreon name and thank you






drifty i have a question if you don't mind so i can play accordingly on the next update . what is your plan regarding dating in the game. can we date them all at once? do we get to try them all and then have to pick one? or do we have to pick one straight away and reject the rest?


It's so hard to answer that with few words. For chapter 1-3, you should be quite safe as it's more about forming a friendship with them all - but no promises. Chapter 4 takes you out of storymode, and into game-mode, and it's where it really gets interresting. But remember, I've written the endings based from the girls perspective, not you as the mc, giving them/you all several outcomes. If you are a part of their ending's future are for the most part up to you. If you fuck up, some are more forgiving than others. And it might also add to that girls ending if it is intertwined with other fates alongside yourself. Sounds complicated, but it makes more sense when you play through it, and adds a whole lot to replay value. :)


ok thanks for the reply drifty, im very much looking forward to the next release, hopefully still on the 21st


+ Dudemandavid23

