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Wow, that week went by fast.

Total renders done so far is 132 stills, and 100 animated ones. Actually, I did 110 more animated ones, but I had to scrap those due to one of those Daz hickups where it turns off Noise Reduction for some reason, so I'm redoing the first 110 now.

The two first scenes in chapter 2 is 100% done, and for the next week I will have to look closer at scripting to get the phone events up, and setting up the social media app. The script for chapter 2 is 100% done as well, so I have the pleasure of rendering the story chronologically. Half of the music is selected and prepared, so the mountain of work to be done is slightly less than last week, but still a whole lot to do.

I was going to throw a few preview renders in her today, but instead as a little surprise I will release a video teaser in a day or three. Don't worry, it's a no-plot-spoiler preview, but you might just get a glimpse of the new girl.

Also, as I've mentioned before. You that are here and support me from this early stage, know that your support at this time is very noticeable, and have given me a bigger freedom of choice when designing the last romanceable. I hope you find her to your liking.

A happy easter to you all.



can't wait for ch2


awesome work so far, really enjoyed the first chapter. just a heads up, there some spelling mistakes and incorrect versions of words used in some of the dialogue in chapter one. but keep up the great work. looking forward to what comes next.