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Baeber is not mid! 😂 And she is definitely better written in Stay Night. In Zero she is written in such a monotonous voice. She has more of a personality here. Shinji Matou is the nephew of Kariya and Sakura is his adopted sister. Since her adoption it was shown in Zero that Rin and Sakura were instructed not to treat each other as sisters. Fate Stay Night is 10 years after Zero. Stay Night has 3 routes which you can think of as 3 different multiverses showing 3 different ways the 5th holy grail comes out. Each giving part of the stories. The first route which you skipped is the Fate route which was Saber focused. This is UBW which is Rin focused. No one route tells the complete story. Not everything gets resolved in UBW. Some of your questions will be answered in Heavens Feel.


29:04 Wait what? This isn't full length. Did you guys skip a scene? I got a scene here in the park while you guys went straight to the rooftop scene.

ZGMF-X23S Saviour

I think they're watching this in Hulu? The scene you're talking about most likely was in the Bluray version, which Funimation probably has, but they don't like Funimation. I don't know if it's also on the Crunchyroll version or not. But yeah, they're gonna be missing a lot of content if this is the case.


Oh. That explains a lot. Yeah. I'm watching from the Blu-rays, and they'll sadly be missing a lot, especially later considering one particular episode is 10 minutes longer than the standard episode. Edit: after checking, no legal website or streaming service has the Blu-ray episodes.

ZGMF-X23S Saviour

To clarify Fate/Stay Night's older anime. Fate/Stay Night is a video game series (a visual novel), and it is written to have multiple routes... "route" means the story branches out from the same starting point and explores different elements of the plot, so the Fate/Stay Night anime are not sequels in the traditional sense, but each route is equally important. There are 3 routes: "Fate," "Unlimited Blade Works," and "Heaven's Feel." The old anime you mentioned is the very first adaptation of the game by a different studio (Studio Deen) mainly adapting the "Fate" route. Deen also made its own Unlimited Blade Works anime, which is older than the version you're watching now. Eventually, the Fate series was picked up by the current studio (Ufotable) who did Fate/Zero's anime (which is based on a novel that takes place before Fate/Stay Night), and then eventually did the other 2 routes of the game... they remade/re-adapted the "Unlimited Blade Works" route and then also adapted the "Heaven's Feel" route. You don't need to watch the old Fate/Stay Night anime because it's done by a different studio and essentially takes place in its own continuity despite similarities. However, Ufotable has yet to re-adapt the "Fate" route, which was the main basis for the old anime.

ZGMF-X23S Saviour

Yeah, just reminding you that Sakura and Rin are biological sisters.


Oh, Funimation has it. I thought you meant Funimation released the Blu-rays.


Fate Stay Night is a 20 year old hentai game with three different routes which branch depending on which girl you want to have sex with - Saber, Rin (Unlimited Blade Works) or Sakura (Heaven's Feel). It somehow became a billion dollar franchise.


I got the scene you were talking about on crunchyroll and was confused as well.


Fate/Stay night Heavens feel movies 1, 2, and 3 come after unlimited blade works

ZGMF-X23S Saviour

@Osvaldo is it the Us version of crunchyroll? If so, probably a good idea to tell them to switch to Crunchyroll from the next epispde onwards.

kaiho leung

How can you guys remember all those anime characters name, their name don’t make sense in English😂

kaiho leung

I believe Anthony secretly love Eva, he always remember the main character name and the op!🥰


wait.... the entire park scene is missing from this?