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Steve Mercier

When this show first aired, FOX didn't like the pilot...for reasons...despite it being one of the best pilots I've ever seen. So they made Joss Whedon and crew make another first episode, which wound up being the train heist episode (the second one you guys watched). They tried to cram as much exposition in there as they could, but it pretty much just got dumped on air as make-shift pilot. Then FOX cut out a few episodes, and wound up airing the pilot until after the show had already been cancelled...I can't remember if it was the last episode aired, or the actual last episode was the last epidoe aired; but, it was all out of whack. So FOX essentially fucked the show right from the get-go. I remember viewing it, and loving it, when it aired...but then I saw the pilot at the end of the run, and thought 'what the fuck!?' Why is this at the end? It didn't make any sense. Ultimately, FOX said the show was too expensive, and it wasn't getting views (which, if the pilot had aired as intended, I think it would have--at least more than it did), so they axed it. So fuck FOX. Long live the brown coats.

Tony King

Companions are less like escorts and hookers but more like a mix between Oiran and Geishas. They are usually trained from a young age in number of areas like psychology, music, fencing, martial arts, language and etiquette.