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All five of the Craig Bond films are connected, although some connections are definitely forced for the sake of connecting the movies. As long as you're fine with more action sequences at the expense of character depth then I would recommend watching the rest at some point. I really like Mads Mikkelsen in everything I've seen him in; he was phenomenal as Le Chiffre. I just find the whole idea of the main antagonist being someone that's in some deep trouble and desperately trying to save themselves as a refreshing twist on the usual villain with seemingly infinite resources and some grand nefarious plan.


That snake was fighting a mongoose. Don't worry about it fighting above it's weight class, they are resistant and/or immune from snake venom. You know the story Rikki Tikki Tavi from Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book? It's a story about a mongoose fighting a cobra.


When watching that scene I thought it should have be a mongoose, but couldn't help seeing a ferret. Apparently canonically it is suppose to be a mongoose, but a ferret was used in the scene. If it were a mongoose though, 4 out of 5 times that thing kills the cobra.