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E5- 2:02

E6- 28:21



kaiho leung

Three Sages: Past Present Wazukyan(Uncle) ---> Jelly Bean Hollow Belaf(Boy with Scar) ---> Long White Snake Hollow Vueko ---> Still Human (Grown Woman) Irumyuui ---> Faputa? (From Your Deduction) and no need to remember their name, many Japanese names in English translations make no sense. Call their nickname is fine


I fully understand confusion you have guys, i think its a pinnacle of question's we have here, but the answer's are near. About weird parts, since you haven't watched many titles (in grand scale) its understandable, for example one of my top 3 manga Berserk also of the most well known and popular in the world, have so many weird shit going on, made in abyss is maybe 3/10 in weirdness scale compared to some chapters of Berserk. Thanks for early upload.


At least with Made in Abyss I can be in denial and make up a delusion that explains why some weird part might not be what I thought, or how it was out of context. Berserk is very explicit and leaves no room for interpretation.


I already changed my whole mindset in those shows, people are just way too much sensitive about sexual stuff in anime, especially if its serious, and I just look at all the atrocities that are going on around me and throw them in one bowl, people act like some weird sexual scenes are worse than loosing your limbs, tortures, death etc and they are not, they are just emotionless about it since its way more common, but after seeing it multiple times you just grow some extra skin for it, and enjoy the rest.

kaiho leung

Btw you guys forget reg can’t go killing here since it violated the value of other being, it would get balanced