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Can't wait to watch it tonight!!


Aw shizz, totally missed this in my feed. Welp, glad I already have a couple joints rolled, gonna need them to get through this again lol ✌🏻Peace✌🏻 💓Love💓 ✊🏻Respect✊🏻


Same bro same, i wonder how they react to this masterpiece. Gonna find out in 2 hours, sosu.


Thanks for upload, for me personally this is one of the best anime movies i watched, remember that this anime is also not 100% canon around 85-90% ? some scenes, dialogues are cut out, for example when riko and prushka had a conversation, prushka didn't said it in sexual way, there wasn't anything like that in the manga, what you could assume. Bondrewd is fucked up but he is also a really good villain. "Don't judge book by its cover" its a really good saying while watching anime, i often found out series that didn't look good or appealing to me at the start but ended in my top at the end. Season 2 is not a end of anime, there will be season 3 and maybe 4+? dunno manga is still going out, its just a anime waiting for manga to be enough for animation. SOSU is near.


This movie has one of my favorite bittersweet endings. It might not be how she envisioned it, but Prushka does ultimately end up going on a journey with Riko and the crew. I think Bondrewd was the only white whistle who could use himself as an offering because he had access to the Zoaholic which allows him to transfer his consciousness to another body. Also the "papa pole" line I believe is out of context. I'm fairly sure it refers to Prushka asking Bondrewd what that particular organ was while dissecting an animal and Bondrewd just tells her it's what makes something a papa.


Btw most popular Bondrewd meme (no spoilers) https://prnt.sc/G3VMRVrDRKRp


My favorite is the memes of him as a great dad. "Every good father makes his kids lunchboxes!" "He supported his daughter in becoming a White Whistle!"


It makes promised neverland look like sesame street lol. Also, unlike promised neverland, the second season is actually great and made with much love and care.


I just got a shirt in the mail of Bondrewd holding a number 1 dad mug ha

kaiho leung

wtf is this movie, I just first time watch along with this channel!!