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Ep 9- 1:16

Ep10- 24:46




Welcome to Made in Abyss proper, now the journey really begins. Knowing what was coming later in this video I busted up laughing when Kacee said "This show doesn't hold back". This episode was still emotional to watch even knowing what was coming.


I've been waiting for this episode the most. This is where Made in Abyss started to go from "good"/"great" for me to top tier. I had the same reactions you had the first time (and while rewatching).


Same, MiA was really good before this and the OST alone was enough to make me keep watching more... but this episode shattered whatever illusion I had of this show holding back on what the Abyss would really be like.


Welcome to the real Made in Abyss, one of the most harrowing, heart-wrenching and downright insane experiences I've ever had. The calm is over guys, you better hold on


Your free trial of friendship adventure just ended please sit down and don't resist, its just getting started, sosu.


Some answers you missed, The strain of curse is stronger the closer you are to the centre, that's why the scout base was build on outskirts and Nanachi base is too, there are just places where curse is very weak or non-existent. Riko was born on fourth layer, the one they are in right now. As you saw already this show is definitely not for kids, and its only getting darker from this point onwards, so now remember the training and test done by Ozen, where they would be right now without it, sosu.