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Oh sick, can't wait to see how this one goes. Between the 2 90's movies, this one is a much better movie in general.... still campy and cheesy, still super exaggerated, but just fun. edit: The games did have lore. While the core of the game is like any other fighting game where you just pick a character and fight, there was always a story through biographies (that popped up for 2 seconds and were too long to read lol), indirectly through the backgrounds in different levels, and whichever single player end game stories were carried over to the next game. It wasn't until MK4 or MK Anthologies Sub-zero and beyond that they started doing cinematic bits. Edit2: should have also added, at the time the movie was in production II was still in development and MK I had only come out in arcades maybe 2 years (at most) before, so the lore they had to work off was super limited for the movie. In fact, the games would borrow aspects from the movie in the future (e.g the multiple tournaments stuff)


Funny note about Kano... not actually Aussie. He was an English actor that had a very interesting twang to their delivery and accent, and everybody rolled with the Australian Kano from that point forward lol